August 12, 2009


I wanted to give everyone an update.

The 300/2.8L IS is SOLD (I hope it is as great for you as it was for me David... Enjoy).
The 70-200/4.0L is still on the market. Let me know if you are interested.

I got the 50D and grip back from Canon today (I think yesterday actually). They fixed and cleaned both and gave the both a clean bill of health. I guess that is good because when Canon comes out with the 60D and I get my hands on one both of those pieces will be for sale.

CPS did a great job fixing and getting my gear back to me. I only shipped it out ground on Tuesday night. Canon in California got the package on Friday, and I had everything fixed and back on Tuesday. Great work CPS... If you qualify and are not a member you should be.

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