February 10, 2009

Yellowstone, February 10th...

Safely back to Billings after the bulk of the day in YNP.

The morning started in Gardiner at 22, worked its way down to 14 and then thanks to the sun got up around 31. Cloudy followed by sunny. I ended the day in Billings, moments ago, at 43 degrees.

Todays list:
Mule Deer
Golden Eye
Bald Eagle
Bighorn Sheep
Pronghorn Antelope
Wolves (Druid dots)

Although it was less than productive shooting for me it was not really a slow day for YNP. I missed a good wolf shooting situation today; but that is life and how Kevin and my luck has been for the past 5 days.

A slow day in YNP is better than a good day in most other places. And now that I am back to work I will be reminded of that until my next trip to paradise.

Thanks to all of the people who I spent time chatting with in the park, the conversations keep us all sane on the slow days.

Sorry if my trip reports have sounded as if the trip was a let down. Slows times do lower the spirits; but time in YNP is never waisted, us regulars call it "paying the dues."

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