The main round of photos are now online, there will be a few more landscapes to come later (HDRM possibly.)
I figured why not spend the last day of spring and the first days of summer in YNP, with the time of year comes very long days so I had plenty of time to enjoy the park. The addition of clouds and rain kept the weather cool and the crowds down. For the first time in a long time I really did enjoy driving the park and looking not for things to photograph; but for great mental images to save. I told myself that this summer my trips would be focused on filling in holes in the images that I have captured in the park, and this trip was no exception.
I did enjoy the new iPhone 3.0 software on my iPod touch and kept a decent list of everything that I saw from leaving Billings to returning 3 days later.
Here is the trip list, with some bird species that I saw not listed (due to my poor ID skills):
American Robin
American White Pelican
Bald Eagle
Bighorn Sheep
Black Bear
Blue Grouse (Dusky)
Blue-winged Teal
Canada Goose
Common Merganser
Douglas squirrel
European starling
Grizzly Bear
Gulls (island full)
Horned lark
Lesser Scaup
Mountain bluebird
Mourning dove
Mule deer
Pronghorn Antelope
Red-tailed Hawk
Red-winged Blackbird
Red-tailed hawk
Ruddy Duck
Sandhill Crane
Steller's Jay
Uenta ground squirrel
Western Grebe
Wilson's Snipe
As always, thanks for looking at my photos. Please visit my recent trips gallery to see all of the photos from this trip, while you are there give a thumbs up to your favorites and feel free to leave comments there too, with 5 stars. I ask this not to have folks boost my ego, simply to help my images get more play on SmugMug. And so you can enjoy more images of YNP... Thanks.
Total trip was 917.2 miles and my Outback averaged 28.5 mpg (So much better than my Blazer ever did).
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