January 13, 2010

Editing Progress... Day 8 of 11


As the gallery is now well over 1000 images I would suggest that, if you have been following along, you skip to the end and work through backwards.

I have added another 250+ images. Days one - eight are now edited and online, in the order they were captured (or close to it). This represents photographs from December 5th - 12th of my trip.

Day eight started with a mile or so walk to be in location to attempt photographing a beautiful scene at a reserve North of Bosque before sunrise. It is a long story; but it did not work out. After some morning shooting in the reserve I headed up to Albuquerque to photograph the Wood Ducks in a few well known and some not so well known locations. I had some fun with Wood Ducks, Ring-necked Ducks, Ruddy Ducks, Mandarin Ducks, a Hooded Merganser, and a few other random birds. A snow storm was heading in toward town so I left and drove south to Bosque getting there just in time to shoot some Sandhill Cranes with the storm aided fiery sunset.

I hope you enjoy.

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