More Billings area birding; however I ended up with more mammal photos than avian photos
This was both ends of the day. I started an hour and a half before sun up to go out and watch a Greater Sage Grouse lek (no activity). A few birds in the area, a few hairs out enjoying sunrise near the Prairie Dog town. I left there and headed to an area that is know for Owl activity (heard but no visual spots). I did come across a group of what I believe were hybrid does feeding on the other side of some shrubs, I could not go through/over/under so I shot through, I think it made for something interesting (I love 2.8).
In the evening I headed out to some clifs to check on the birds of prey. Some luck, not really with photos; but a treat to see them at work. I did play around with the 300 and TC's with a Hair and Pigeon.
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